Monday, February 13, 2012

We have moved on...

Meadow Rue officially has it's own domain! And...

wait for it...

There's a pretty little tutorial waiting for you on the other side! So, go check it out:

All previous Meadow Rue posts are located there, and in the coming weeks the site will have lots of amazing functionality. 

We're jumping for joy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Growing Pains

We're moving on up!

In the coming days, you will see Meadow Rue on its very own website. This involves things like domain names, web hosts, and my very technology-averse self having a near panic attack.

Stay tuned!

P.S. The thrifted fuschia dress with sky-high shoulder pads is finished! Tutorial to come very soon...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

34 days and counting

I have 34 days to make a vintage/modern garment. That's 34 days to prioritize (i.e. neglect school work and possibly sleep) what has become an already quite hectic schedule.

All to create a modern version of this beauty.

Is it terrible that I love this dress the way it is? The pattern I will be modernizing, is a little...ahem...cryptic. Certain details will be changed, embellishments added, and considering the deflation of dress sizes, I will most likely be buying twice the material it calls for. This booty certainly was not a size 6 in the 1958.

Who wants to partake? Click on the picture below for more information!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Day

Boulder, Colorado has shut down. No school, no work for most, and some mighty treacherous roads. Over a foot of snow fell while the Front Range slept last night, but what a beautiful sight to wake up to!

The funny thing is, growing up in Montana, I still don't remember a single snow day. I also don't remember the name of my second grade teacher, so that's not saying much. 
I can't say I mind having an excuse to curl up inside a heated apartment. This a multiple mugs of tea sort of day.

For a 13 inch Beagle, 12 inches of snow is no joke. Our morning entertainment was watching Buckley run like a mad man through a field of untouched snow. He resembled more of a rabbit than he did a canine.
After snow tunneling lost its appeal, Buckley proceeded to finally end the slow suffering of his toy Beagle.  Was it wrong for me to buy him this toy? I'm getting mixed reviews. When he violently ripped the last of the stuffed dog's fuzzy ear off, I asked him how he would feel if I chewed his velvety ears off. He gave me a blank look and a head tilt. He's an unfeeling cannibal, I tell you.
I'm supposed to fly to Denver tonight to spend the weekend in Vegas with my family. I'm hoping that positive thinking will be enough to get my plane off the ground. Wish me luck!